How to Export a Spotify Playlist to Excel

This is a quick tutorial on how to export a Spotify playlist to an Excel spreadsheet.

The process takes less than two minutes, and once you’ve done it a few times, it’s incredibly easy.

1. Download and install Spotify for Chrome.

You can download Spotify for Chrome from the Chrome Web Store.

You can also download it from Firefox and Safari, but you’ll need to log out of your account if you’re using those browsers.

It’s a free app.

You can also use Spotify on your mobile device or other apps to listen to music on your computer that isn’t available in the playlists you want to export.

2. Go to Google Chrome Extensions.

  • Go to Google Chrome Extensions. Once you’re on Spotify’s website, click the three-dot menu icon in the top right of your browser window (or press Ctrl + Shift + J). From there, select “Extensions” and then choose “Manage Extensions” at the bottom of the list.
  • Select “Spotify” from the list of extensions and then go down to where it says “Visibility.” Choose “Visible” instead of “Hidden” so that you can see this extension in Chrome’s toolbar when it’s open.

3. Open the settings for Spotify and log in

Next, you’ll need to log in.

  • Open Spotify’s website and click on the three dots in the top right corner of your screen.
  • Select ‘Settings’.
  • Click ‘Log in’ and enter your username and password, then click OK

4. Save your playlist to an Excel spreadsheet

Click on the “Save to Google Drive” button.

This will bring up a new window with three options for saving your playlist:

  • Save as CSV – This option gives you the most flexibility and allows you to edit the data in Excel later. It’s also how we’ll be saving our data here.
  • Save as XLSX – This one is a Microsoft Excel file that has been saved in XML format, so it can’t be edited by other programs like OpenOffice or LibreOffice. The advantage of this extension is that it saves faster than CSV files, but it doesn’t have all of the features that other file types offer (for example, charts won’t display correctly).
  • Download as PDF – If you’d rather not do any editing at all, this option lets you download an image file of your Spotify playlist so that its appearance isn’t affected by what program prints it out or how big/small its font size is set to display on the screen (although this may result in some loss in clarity).

5. Select a location to save your playlist.

You can save it to your desktop, Google Drive, Dropbox, or even a USB stick if that’s what you need!

Just make sure the file type is set to XLSX (Excel Spreadsheet) when saving.

6. Open the folder that contains your Excel spreadsheet.

Now that you’ve exported your playlist to Excel, open the folder that contains your spreadsheet.

You should see a new file called “Spotify Playlist Export.”

Open this file and it should have the same name as your Spotify playlist.

If it doesn’t, rename it with the correct name so you don’t get confused later.

Once you’ve opened up this exported spreadsheet, you can edit it however you like!

One of my favorite things is being able to add columns for each song in my Spotify playlist so that I can quickly update information about specific songs when necessary.

For example, if I want to change album covers or add lyrics from Genius lyrics on one of my music tracks, then I can quickly do that with an Excel column instead of navigating back into Spotify every time something needs changing or updating!


We hope this article helped you export a Spotify playlist to an Excel spreadsheet.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out in the comments section below.

We would love to hear from you!


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