Does Deleting Cache on Spotify Delete Playlists?

Are you one of the many people who have a huge library of songs on Spotify?

If so, you might be wondering: can deleting cache on Spotify delete playlists?

After all, the two things are connected.

If you delete the cache on Spotify, will your playlists disappear as well?

The answer to this question is no.

Deleting cache won’t delete any of your playlists or songs, but it will clear up some space on your phone or computer which can be helpful if you’re running out of room.

Let’s take a look at how deleting cache works and what happens when someone deletes their iCloud Music Library from Spotify.

Does Deleting Cache Delete Playlists?

Deleting cache does not delete your playlists.

Your playlists are stored in your Spotify profile and are not deleted when the cache is cleared.

The cache is a temporary storage space for music files that have been requested by users, but haven’t been downloaded yet.

It’s important to note that deleting your cache doesn’t mean you’re deleting any of the music in your library; it just means that if someone else requests those songs again in the future, they’ll need to be downloaded again from Spotify’s servers (which takes time).

Therefore, if you want to delete all of your music files at once—and therefore clear out the entire library—you should do so through Settings > Music Library > Delete Local Files

How to Delete Cache on Spotify

Deleting cache on Spotify is a solution for users who are experiencing problems with the app, such as when it’s not responding or taking a long time to load.

If you’re experiencing issues with your Spotify app, it’s worth trying deleting the cache to see if it helps.

To delete cache on Spotify:

  1. Go to Spotify in your web browser (for example, and log in if prompted to do so.
  2. Click Settings > General from the drop-down menu at the top-left corner of your screen and then click Clear Cache from within that menu (see screenshot below).
  3. Wait while this process completes; this may take up to 30 seconds depending on how much data needs clearing out—you’ll know when it’s done because all of your account information will be displayed again rather than being hidden behind a gray box like before! Once complete, close that window by clicking its red X icon at the upper right corner near the “Close” text label.”

What Happens When You Delete Spotify’s Cache?

Deleting cache on Spotify isn’t recommended.

If you’re looking for a way to delete the cache on Spotify, don’t do it.

This is because the “cache” file (sometimes called a “listening history”) contains information about the songs and playlists that you’ve recently listened to, so deleting this could lead to unintended consequences like losing your playlists or having some of them disappear from your library.

It’s also possible that deleting this cache file could damage any other files associated with it or even cause problems with how your computer runs in general.

Can You Still Listen to Songs After Deleting the Cache on Spotify?

Yes, you can still listen to songs after deleting the cache on Spotify.

But there are some important things to keep in mind:

  1. If you delete cache from Spotify and then play a song from your library, it won’t be stored in your cache anymore. This means that if you want to listen to this song again in the future, you will have to download it again from your library.
  2. You won’t be able to play any songs that were deleted from your cache until they are added back into the library or downloaded again.

How to Delete iCloud Music Library from Spotify on Mac or Windows PC

Deleting iCloud Music Library from Spotify is a safe and easy process, but you should make sure that you have all your files backed up before doing it.

You’ll also want to make sure that you aren’t deleting any vital data that isn’t music.

To delete the cache on your iPhone or iPad, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Settings and tap on General.
  2. In the General screen, scroll down and tap Storage & iCloud Usage (or just Storage if it’s not an iPad).
  3. Under the Storage section, tap Manage Storage at the bottom of the page.
  4. Select Music from the list of apps in use by tapping it once and then click the Delete All button to wipe its memory clean – this will take some time depending on how much music is stored in your iTunes library folder as well as other Apple devices that might be connected via Home Sharing service (e-g., iPod touch).

How to Fix a Corrupt or Damaged Spotify Database with iMyFone TunesFix

How to Fix a Corrupt or Damaged Spotify Database with iMyFone TunesFix

The first thing you need to do is download and install iMyFone TunesFix.

This program will allow you to fix your corrupt or damaged iTunes library, which should also fix any problems you might be experiencing with other Apple products like iCloud, Photos, and more.

After installing the program, launch it by double-clicking on its desktop shortcut icon.

You’ll then see all of the different tabs that are included in this utility: Fix iTunes Library, Fix iOS System and Fix Music Issues (which includes options for addressing issues related to iCloud Music Library).

Click on the “Fix iTunes Library” tab at this point; if there aren’t any issues identified within this tab’s interface after launching iMyFone TunesFix, then click “Start Scan” at the top right corner of your screen—this will begin scanning for any potential problems within your library database files located within their associated folders within iTunes itself.

How to Delete Your Apple Music Library From Your iPhone, iPad, or Mac (and Why You Should)

Deleting your music library from iCloud is a great first step to start decluttering your iPhone.

But if you want to go the extra mile, here’s how to delete your entire Apple Music library and start fresh again.

You’ll need an internet connection and some time, but it will be well worth it when you see how much space is freed up on your phone!

How to Delete Your Music Library in iTunes on Windows PC (and Why You Should)

Deleting your music library is pretty simple. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open iTunes on Windows PC, click the menu button in the upper left corner, then choose Preferences.
  2. Click Advanced under Settings on macOS or Edit > Preferences for Windows users who are using a Mac laptop or desktop computer with Windows installed via Boot Camp (which is what I do).
  3. Scroll down to “iTunes Media Folder Location” and choose Edit if you’re using a Mac; otherwise, just click Choose in the bottom right corner of this window with a PC mouse-and-keyboard setup like mine so you can navigate through folders quickly without having to use keyboard shortcuts while browsing around in your system folders—which I’ve done many times before accidentally deleting files due to my lack of knowledge about where they were located on my hard drive! Make sure that both Delete Files and Copy Files To iTunes Media Folder When Adding To Library are set as checked options; then click OK before continuing onto step 4 below.”

How to Delete Songs from an iPhone Without Using iTunes

You can still listen to the songs that you have downloaded from your phone.

However, if you delete a song directly from your iPhone or iPad, it will no longer be available for streaming on Spotify and will not be playable in any of the apps linked to your account.

If that’s not what you’re looking for, then go ahead and delete those songs!


We hope the information in this article has been helpful to you.

We know that it can be frustrating when you have a lot of songs in your library and then some of them start disappearing on their own.

But with these tips and tricks, we’re sure that you’ll be able to keep enjoying your music just like before!


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